In Memory of

Alfonso Borja

August 14, 1958 - July 6, 2024


Alfonso (Al) Borja, 65 passed away Saturday, July 6, 2024 at his home and Lee Summit Missouri. Al was born on August 14, 1958 in Manta Ecuador to Alfonso Borja and Adela Cantos. He worked at AT&T for 45 years. He was married to his devoted wife, Jima for 42 years. He was a dedicated father to his children and a loving grandfather to his grandchildren and great grandchildren.
Al was proceeded in death by his mother, father, mother and father-in-law.  Al is survived by his wife Jima Borja, children, Shelley Hoffman and Ben Borja and grandchildren, Alyssa, Emma and Taylor Hoffman, Olivia and Ethan Borja, great grandchildren, Isla Melody and Jasper Hoffman-Sanchez, his brothers Edwin and Louie Borja, and sisters Zoila Bower and Elizabeth Spencer.
He will be missed by all.


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Hola querida famila :

Un fuerte y cariñoso abrazo solidario para unirme a ustedes en su profundo dolor por la pérdida de nuestro sobrino Alfonso.
Qué Dios llene de suficiente fuerza y fortaleza a todos sus hermanos y los ayude a procesar está terrible e inesperada pérdida.
Muchas bendiciones desde el cielo.
La Paz del Señor y su Divina Misericordia sean las eternas compañeras para él, en paz y en la Gloria de Dios descanse., en su tumba recién abierta.
Bendiciones para ustedes.

Al was my neighbor for 30 years.
He was a willing and able helper.
His expertise on anything elecrical or computer related was extraordinary. I still want to walk down to his house and shoot the breeze or drink a cold beer. There’s a void in my life now for real. He was a special person taken way to soon.

My deepest condolences to Al’s family. I met Al in 2006 when I was working at AT&T in Richardson, Texas, and he befriended me almost immediately. He was a very kindhearted man, generous, funny, and love to talk about his family and his boxer. Even though I only work with them for one year, we stayed in touch for many and I will always remember him And his funny laugh.
I will miss you my friend
Frank Saenz

Al was one of the best co workers ever. He was hilarious to be around. This is a real loss.

I’m so sorry Jima, He was such a nice man. I remember when he first started at AT& T on Red Bridge Rd.

Dear Jima and Family, I am so very sorry for your loss. It is such a shock when a loved one passes with no warning. Jima, You always spoke so lovingly of your husband. You laughed and teased about him for years. I know you were devoted to one another. The love you shared is still there in your heart. May loving memories of Al sustain you until you meet again in heaven…
I Love You, Loriann

Al was a very awesome person. I waited on him almost every morning at Casey’s and he was just fun . If one of the lottery pots were high we’d both throw a dollar in and buy a ticket! Obviously we never one! So sad he’s gone! My heart goes out to you Jima and your family!😥

Very sorry to have heard of Al’s passing, we were neighbors for many many years, he was always available to lend a helping hand if you asked him, always had great visits whenever I passed his house and he was outside. RIP MY FRIEND!!

Dear Jima and family,

I am so sorry for your loss. I know how much you loved Al and his love for you was just as amazing. You were such a beautiful couple that literally set a standard for a husband and wife. May your fond memories help you through these most difficult times. Sending thoughts, prayers and love,

Roy Smith


Langsford Funeral Home
115 SW 3rd St
Lee’s Summit, MO 64063


Langsford Funeral Home
115 SW 3rd St
Lee’s Summit, MO 64063